Submit a horror novel review
About is a labor of love run by an ever growing group of horror novel fans just like you. We've set up this site for the express purpose of sharing our love of horror books with the world. And we've deliberately kept ourselves anonymous because this site isn't about us. It's about the books and the authors. We're just humble fan-boys (and err...gals) happy to help bring these classic horror novels back into the public eye by posting reviews and generally ooing and ahhhhing about how great the books are.
join by submitting a horror novel review
If you're a dedicated horror novel fan and would like to join us, drop us an email (via the form below) telling us which horror novels you would like to review. We're happy to provide you with the books we've got slated to review. All reviews must be well written and a minimum of 500 words in length.
Contact us to submit a horror novel review here!
Contact us to submit a horror novel review here!